To change your payment information, first log on to your account. Once you've logged on, you can either:
1) Hover your cursor over where it says 'Account' and click on 'Payment Methods'. That will take you directly to the payment home page.
2) You can press on 'Account' which will take you to your account settings landing page. From there, click over to where it says 'Payments & Credits'.
Once on this page, you can add a new card by clicking on 'Add new payment method' on the left hand side of payments. You can add also edit or remove any existing card(s) by pressing 'Edit' or 'Remove' to the right of the existing card. Once finished adding or editing, be sure to press 'Save'.
To change the payment method assigned to specific shipping program, you can navigate to the 'Active Programs' page. Within the program options, press the drop-down menu under 'Payment' where you have the option to select the preferred payment method.
If you have any troubles, please don't hesitate to contact us! Call (888) 316 - 7297, Text (833) 316 - 1577 or click the Chat Now button. You're also welcome to email us at
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